Want some Blog Candy?

This is the blog candy up for grabs.

This includes

Around the Block sentiments, an assortment of journal tags, an assortment of flowers and buttons, an assortment of ribbon, Cuttlebug Embossing folder (shell), bling, 3 textured cards with envelopes, an assortment of patterned paper in varying sizes, 2 stamps (MFT & Imaginisce), embossed card fronts, 2 sheets of vintage images and 2 mystery items!

Here’s how to win

1 Post this candy with link back onto your blog

2. Follow this blog and get an extra ballot

3. Tell a friend and if they mention you in their comments you will get an extra ballot

3. Leave me a comment letting me know which of the above you’ve done so I can make sure you get the right amount of ballots.

International bloggers are welcome! This candy will be up until April 22! Good luck!


  1. I got the link back, I was the first one to follow your new kick butt blog and I'm leaving you a comment! Great work Tam, I love seeing your stuff!

  2. I don't have a blog, Tam. Too busy reading everyone else's! LOl. Good work on yours.


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